Ullan Adventures
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We on Sea

On Friday, Chuck took a break from work and we went for our first kayak voyage. We rented a 2 person kayak and headed out. There was a pod of spinner dolphins playing at the edge of the bay but by the time we got out there, they were headed north. We weren’t far away so we “chased” them north but they were faster. We were close enough to see them jump out of the water and spin and play but not close enough to have them right near our kayak. After a while we headed south down to some caves and an area called coral gardens. We found another pod of dolphins in that bay and started chasing them down but once again they were on the move and we never got close enough.

So we headed back to coral gardens, jumped out of the kayak and snorkeled around for a while. The coral was amazing. And Chuck spotted a huge crown of thorns starfish. This thing was easily 24″ in diameter and a very cool find.

Somehow we were out kayaking for 3 1/2 hours! We were so sore later and the next day. But what a great thing. Definitely adding kayaking to our mix of sports!

The rest of the weekend Chuck had to work so it was a really low-key weekend. Soccer for Beck, strolling around this little festival yesterday, play in the pool, etc.

Chuck is busy this week then leaving for the mainland on Saturday so I’m not sure what adventurous stuff we’ll do this week. Stayed tuned though!

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