Yesterday afternoon we went to Kua Bay – one of our, if not our, favorite beach. We went there last Wednesday too and I’m hoping to make it a regular Wednesday activity unless a sport or activity comes up.
The kids are home from school by 1:15pm on Wednesdays so its the best day to hit the beach. They can come home and relax, grab and snack and we can be at the beach by 3pm.
I’ll have to get Kua Bay pics at some point but picture a white sand beach, gorgeous blue ocean, small waves and 80 some degree water. We don’t have too many white sand beaches here in Kona so that’s another reason this is a fav.
Last week I decided to try boogie boarding again. I tried it a while ago and it didn’t go so well. But this time I grabbed the board and thought “I can do this” and viola, I was on the board riding waves in no time.
Well yesterday was a boogie boarding fest – I spent the entire time riding in waves with the biggest grin on my face until I was too exhausted to do more and Chuck wanted to go home. I felt like a kid that could play and play until their parents call them for dinner or bed.
I can’t wait to learn more and of course do it again!
Nothing too exciting today except I’ll give you the “Daily Grill” run down. See, we’ve been grilling a lot more since we got here and grilling all sorts of different things: everything from papaya to peaches to ginger and more.
Tonight’s Daily Grill: filet, onions, mushrooms, garlic, potatoes and apples (with cinnamon, butter and brown sugar that were tasty!). Yummers!
Tomorrow I’m going swimming with our “landlord” from the pier out into the ocean. I’m happy to go out with a local first to get a feel for the ocean and any potential danger spots like currents and what not. It’ll also be nice to have a guide because of all the shark sightings and I just don’t know what on earth I’d do if a 15′ Tiger shark came to swim beside me like happened to a girl a few weeks ago.
And Saturday is Chuck’s birthday and I think he’s going to do something crazy cool… will fill you in later!