What another fantastic weekend!
On Friday, Chuck and I dropped the kids off for school then met our landlady/property manager at the pier for a swim. We swam 1.2 miles round-trip over coral and fish and boy did that tucker us out!
After the swim, Chuck and I grabbed lunch and met the friendliest gecko we’ve ever seen. This guy came right up to me and was checking me out, and once I put out my finger he jumped right onto my arm. The waitress told us they love sweet things and brought us a cherry and OMG I think he was in gecko heaven! Who knew??!

Saturday was Chuck’s birthday. He went to the airport to ride in an ultralight (“trike”) which is basically a powered hang glider. He came back giddy and told me that I’d love it so of course I’ll be doing it sometime soon! Read more about it here.

Saturday was also the start of the 40th annual Queen Lili’uokalani canoe races which is the world’s largest long distance outrigger canoe race. Read more about it here.

On Monday we went back to Kua Bay for 4 hours. I think I boogie boarded for at least 3 hours straight and right now I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. The kids played and boogie boarded some too and it was all around a good family day at the beach. EXCEPT we’re all crispy, especially Beck. We did lather up before the beach and even re-lathered part way thru but somehow Beck is redder than a lobster and the rest of us are a tiny bit red. I guess we ordered ourselves extra crispy. Oops.
So now its chillin’ time with a beer (Kona brewery of course) and then I’ll be heading to rest and recover from the day.
Have I mentioned lately how much I love it here??