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A Photo Tour of Almuñécar, Spain

When we arrived on the Costa del Sol, we scouted out 5 different towns before deciding where to settle down for 2.5 months.  Almuñécar was the last of our stops and we fell in love with it as soon as we saw the town from the road.  It’s about 27,000 people, with some tourist infrastructure, but mostly a local feel.

I don’t even know that I would’ve gone over to Almuñécar if it wasn’t for Heidi and Alan Wagoner from Wagoner’s Abroad.  They are an American family living and blogging about their town.  So thanks to them, we added it to our scouting list and the rest is history.

Adorable Streets

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Lots of narrow walkways and stone floors

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The views of town from above are really beautiful.   It looks, well, Meditteranean!

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We love the way the houses are all built right up the hills. There’s actually one section of houses that have been slowly falling off into the sea.

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And oh yeah, the beach views are nice as well!

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There are miles of “paseos”, wide pathways for strolling along the ocean.

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They have a number of  parks on the beach.  Chuck and I would drink Sangria at a nearby bar while the kids played at this one.

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Here are a few pictures from another playground.

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A few more pictures

JR Restaurant which had delicious Parmesan & Ham Risotto

JR Restaurant which had delicious Parmesan & Ham Risotto

Road right near our house

Road right near our house

Mara with our "Happy Cones" outside of our favorite bakery

Mara with our “Happy Cones” outside of our favorite bakery