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The Louvre


Our trip to the Louvre wasn’t quite as magical as I was hoping.  Luckily Chuck and I have both been there before, but we’d looked forward to showing the kids some historic and important art.  The kids weren’t nearly as excited about this as we were.

They did OK to start, but were really unimpressed with the “Mona Lisa”.

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They found the sculptures mildly more interesting.  I was in awe of it though and felt so privileged to see Michelangelo’s and many other’s work up close.

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We also visited the Napoleon apartments which were dripping in luxury.

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We also got to see some crown jewels:


We also wandered around the other floors and saw other art.

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After many hours of wandering around, we were ready to leave, but Chuck wanted to head to the Egyptian Antiquities section.  This turned out to be a huge mistake.  At this point we were all exhausted and the kids were over being there.  It took a bit of walking around to even get there, but at least seeing the artifacts was pretty cool.


Unfortunately, we had a big problem trying to get out of that section and getting to the exit.  We walked and walked and walked but couldn’t get to the exit and at this point we were all so done and just wanted out.

Eventually we obviously made it out, but I think that last detour really cast a negativity over the day and the kids left with a pretty negative opinion on the museum.

I’m hoping that some day they’ll appreciate what they saw and feel lucky to have gone though…

